KONG Yiu Wing 江耀榮: CRT -> CYM
KONG Yiu Wing
CRT -> CYM 5 July - 3 August 2013 A departure from his phantasmal screenprints based on satellite mapping, KONG Yiu Wing's new colour-field paintings on aluminium are a move towards abstraction. In the digital age, information is increasingly transient and image consumption becomes instant and passive. Whilst "CRT" in the title denotes cathode ray tube in colour monitors and "CYM" refers to cyan, yellow and magenta in digital printing, Kong positions himself as the intermediate mechanism in a perfunctory system of image processing. The artist continues to comment on the contemporary way of seeing by employing the minimal components of silkscreen printing. With every blade stroke, a combination of primary-coloured oil paint is squeezed through a stencil-less mesh and is transferred onto the cool surface of an aluminium board. The method of painting is fast and indirect, and the action of the artist resonates a robotic rhythm. However much of the resulting image is left to chance and the unrefined surface retains traces of an human element. |