Cam WONG 黃麗茵 : Risseldy, rosseldy, mow, mow, mow #3
Cam WONG Risseldy, rosseldy, mow, mow, mow #3 18 November - 23 December 2017 Opening: Saturday, 18 November 2017, 4 - 7 pm WONG's work is concerned with time and how it affects things, with repetition and absence. She approaches these themes using techniques ranging from drawing to video art but keeps returning to a process that seems particularly well-suited for the purpose: copper plate etching. The works presented in the exhibition are part of a project inspired by Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds", a film famous for using birds to evoke fear. WONG is interested in our emotional response to scenes in which the birds and their victims are missing - for some of her previous work, she digitally removed both animals and people from the images. For this part of the project, she has taken scenes from the movie as a starting point for copper plate etchings. Together with the images, she transferred a quote onto the metal: "Risseldy, rosseldy, mow, mow, mow", a line sung by children in the movie. WONG then treated the plates with etching ink and various chemicals that have left the surfaces heavily corroded. Instead of making paper prints, the artist has turned the copper plates themselves into works of art, applying acid to the metal like paint to a canvas. Over time, the evacuated playground from the film have become ghostly silhouettes. What was once associated with fear now forms the deepest among several layers of corrosion - like a fading sentiment, gradually replaced with other memories until it is finally forgotten. |