Chihoi: Permanent Transition 智海《永久過渡》
Permanent Transition 19 March - 2 April 2016 CL3 Architects Limited 15/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Chihoi’s new artwork series tightly interweaves the notion of transition in relation to Hong Kong architecture. In Chihoi’s works, buildings are all covered, connoting a liminal stage between the old and the new, an ever-changing process not only owing to the maintenance of buildings or replacement of land titles, but also the interchange of architectural function, aesthetics and social changes. Despite all the transitions taking place throughout time, the unique practice of using bamboo as a construction material remains. The bamboo scaffolding demonstrates the unwavering persistence in its material and appearance, with an exceptional architectural structure that is immune to the forceful temporal change, standing alone in its form — lightweight, enduring, pragmatic, but never speaks for itself. The bamboo scaffolding stands up, witnessing the construction, the transformation and the demolition of the buildings. It reminds us that our world is drastically changing underneath. While the buildings remain erected and the face of the city becomes ambiguous, almost vulgar, the bamboo scaffolding has become perpetual, giving a sign of grace, though faint, that was lost. |
永久過渡 2016年3月19日至4月29日 思聯設計有限公司 香港灣仔港灣道2號香港藝術中心15樓 智海的一系列新作,與香港建築及過渡轉變的主題緊扣在一起。智海筆下的建築物,均被棚架覆蓋着,意味着一種新舊交替之間的過渡階段。不單是因為大廈維修改建或業權更替,轉變的過程亦因建築功能、美學變化、及社會變遷而從未息止。 儘管建築風格和營制不斷轉變,但業界仍一直沿用竹枝作建築材料。竹棚獨特的結構,恆久不變的物料和外觀,使它屹立於時代的劇變中,仍然維持固有形態,輕盈、堅韌、務實,但從不替自己說話。 每當竹棚豎立,見證着建築物的落成、改建及拆毀,它提示人們,竹棚底下覆裹的世界,正在發生質的改變。高樓大廈依舊聳立,城市面貌漸變模糊而趨於庸俗,竹棚的存在卻更顯永久,令人隱約瞥見某種已逝的光華。 |