Art Basel Hong Kong 香港巴塞爾藝術展2015
Comma after Period: LUI Chun Kwong Yi Liu Painting Factory 句號後的逗號:呂振光一流畫廠
Art Basel in Hong Kong 2015
Comma after Period LUI Chun Kwong Yi Liu Painting Factory 15 March – 17 March 2015 Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Wan Chai Gallery EXIT is pleased to present Lui Chun Kwong’s solo exhibition Commas after Period: LUI Chun Kwong Yi Liu Painting Factory at Art Basel in Hong Kong 2015. The exhibition will succinctly illustrate his determined personality over the past two decades in terms of both his art practice and his eminent influence in the Hong Kong art scene as a venerated artist, a mentor and a teacher of varied local artists from the new age and a key figure in the development of contemporary art in Hong Kong. One definitive character of Lui’s creative journey is its deep-seated insurgent nature. The paintings of the Landscape Series that Lui has been engaging for over twenty years are seen a challenge to the classical Chinese aesthetics of landscape, which has become well-known among audience as the Yi Liu Shan Shui (Ever-flowing Landscape). In Commas after Period: LUI Chun Kwong Yi Liu Painting Factory, a major focus will be placed on a recent and never-before-seen body of works by Lui. By toppling his past practice where pure quiet emanated from a minimalistic and abstract style, Lui creates a series of works threaded by an axis of found windowpanes with over-imposed photographs, cloths, printed images, hand-painted images and drawn scribbles. These interweaving elements intimate the vicissitudes of the city and the corresponding narration of stories related to the artist’s own experience. The sets of works sit between painting and sculpture, marrying the abstract with the figurative and acting as a powerful rebuff against the theoretical standstill in contemporary painting. LUI Chun Kwong (b.1956) graduated with a BA degree at the National Taiwan Normal University in 1980 and a MA degree at Goldsmiths´ College, University of London in 1994. Lui taught in the Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong from 1985 to 2010. His recent exhibitions include Lui Chun Kwong Recent Works, Aike-Dellarco, Shanghai, China (2015), Hong Kong EYE, Saatchi Gallery, London, UK (2012), Lui Chun Kwong: Piao Piao Ran, Osage Gallery, Hong Kong (2012), Yu Di: Lui Chun Kwong Lee Kit, AikeDellarco Shanghai, China (2012), Lui Chun Kwong. You are Here. I Am Not. From Ho Siu Kee to Kong Chun Hei, Osage Kwun Tong, Hong Kong (2010) and Legacy and Creations: Ink Art vs Ink Art, Shanghai Art Museum, China (2010). |
句號後的逗號 呂振光一流畫廠 2015 年 3 月 15 日至 3 月 17 日 灣仔香港會議展覽中心 安全口畫廊將於今屆香港巴塞爾藝術展期間呈獻呂振光的個人展覽《句號後的逗號:呂振光一流畫廠》。不論在個人藝術創作方面,還是在香港藝術界的整體發展而言,呂氏不但是備受尊敬的藝術家,亦是眾多本地新一代藝術家的導師,是香港當代藝術界的核心人物。是次展覽將精要地呈現出呂氏貫徹過去二十多年以來鮮明的個人風格。 呂氏的創作歷程常帶著叛逆的本質,其持續超過二十年的繪畫作品《山水系列》被認為是試圖挑戰中國經典的山水美學,使其成為觀眾所熟悉的「一流山水」。這次同場展出的一系列新作,將會是展覽的焦點。呂氏一反過去純粹静默的簡約抽象風格,製作了一系列以現成的窗框為主軸的作品,配置著照片、布料、印刷畫像,以至手繪圖像和書寫文字等,互相穿梭連貫,其中隱含著一些已退色經年的社會變遷,述說著與其個人經歷相關的故事。作品介於繪畫和雕塑之間,抽象與具像並存不悖,為當代繪畫的理論僵局提供一個強而有力的回應。 呂振光生於1956年。1980年國立台灣師範大學美術系學士畢業,並於1994年在英國倫敦大學金匠學院取得藝術碩士。呂氏於1985年至2010年期間任教於香港中文大學藝術系。他的近期展覽包括中國上海艾可畫廊的《呂振光 近期作品展》 (2015)、英國倫敦Saatchi Gallery的Hong Kong Eye (2012)、香港奧沙畫廊的《飄飄然:呂振光近作展》(2012)、中國上海艾可畫廊的《餘地-呂振光 李傑》(2012)、香港奧沙畫廊的《呂振光:<有你·無我>從何兆基到鄺鎮禧》 (2010) ,以及中國上海美術館的《承傳與創造-水墨對水墨》(2010)。 |