Nadim ABBAS 唐納天 : Zone (1)
Zone (1) 6 - 9 March 2014 Focus: China, The Armory Show, New York Pier 94, Twelfth Avenue at 55th Street Gallery EXIT is pleased to present “Zone (1)”, a new installation work by Nadim ABBAS, as part of FOCUS: CHINA of The Armory Show. Nadim ABBAS examines the structural and political properties of images and their precarious relationship with reality. Revolving around the psychological influences of kitsch and cliché, his sculptural installations are immersive environments of ambiguous forms. Frequently incorporating objects from flea markets and dollar shops, casting, animation and photography, ABBAS weaves together extensive research with sophisticated visual manoeuvres to destabilise our perception of space. |
《Zone (1)》 3月6日至9日 紐約軍火庫藝術博覽會 |「焦點:中國」 紐約市12大道/55街 94號碼頭 安全口畫廊呈獻唐納天在紐約軍火庫藝術博覽會「焦點:中國」裡展出的裝置新作:《Zone (1)》。 唐納天探討圖像背後的結構和政治性,以及其與現實不安穩的關係。環繞著庸俗美學和陳詞濫調在心理上的影響力,藝術家的雕塑裝置全面性的展示一種模稜兩可的狀態。經常採用從跳蚤市場和平價店舖找來的物件,加上鑄件、動畫和攝影的手法,再給合大量的資料搜集和精密的視覺計算,唐納天的作品顛覆了我們對空間的感知。 |