LIN Xue @ The Encyclopedic Palace, 55th International Art Exhibition of Venice Biennale
林穴 @ 第55屆威尼斯藝術雙年展: 百科殿堂
LIN Xue @ 55th Venice Biennale
01 June - 24 November 2013 Gallery EXIT is pleased to announce the inclusion of LIN Xue in The Encyclopedic Palace, 55th International Art Exhibition of Venice Biennale curated by Massimiliano Gioni. The Encyclopedic Palace will aim to present artists and practices that offer us encyclopedic or cosmological images of the world and works that consider the impossible attempt to capture and organize all knowledge of the world. Hong Kong-based artist Lin Xue creates infinitely intricate ink works through a meditative and intuitive process. A self-taught artist, Lin insists on marking the canvas with a sharpened twig, as this is the most elemental method. Conceived after extensive excursions in the mountains, his works explore the structures of plants and animal life inhabiting this ecosystem. Natural scenes of minute creatures and vegetation develop into tableaux of mystical beauty. These are worlds that seem to have emerged from a netherworld where organic materials are half-familiar, half-dreamt. The works on show will be a 152 x 457 cm scroll, one of his largest works to date, and a series of 12 drawings based on a peach stone he found on a hiking trip. Each panel is a slight rotation of the seed and an imaginary magnification of what he observes. Lin was born in Fujian, China, and currently resides in Hong Kong. His works have been exhibited at the Tokyo International Forum, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong Art Centre, and Asian Art Museum, San Francisco. For more information on the exhibition, please visit: |
林穴 @ 第五十五屆威尼斯藝術雙年展
2013年6月1日至11月24日 Gallery EXIT 安全口畫廊藝術家林穴獲邀參加第55屆威尼斯藝術雙年展,由Massimiliano Gioni策展的展覽《Il Palazzo Enciclopedico》「釋: 百科殿堂」。 參展藝術家將向觀眾顯露宇宙的無窮奧妙和展示有如百科書本般詳盡的圖錄;同時也在嘗試擔任一份不可能的工作,企圖捕捉和整理世上的所有知識。 香港藝術家林穴沒有接受過正統的藝術訓練,他憑直覺創造結構精巧的水墨畫。對他來說繪畫的過程同時也是冥想的練習。他堅持用最原始直接的方法,以削尖了的樹枝沾墨在畫布上繪畫。多年來的遠足活動賦予他無限創作靈感,在仔細觀察動物及稙物的體態形象也在紀錄山上的生態環境。在他的畫中,靈巧細膩、生氣勃勃的動植物在奇特的風景中茁壯成長,拼出充滿詩意的仙境。在林氏紙上的宇宙萬物既像從夢境而來卻又是似曾相識。 展出作品包括他歷來最大的畫作:一張152 x 457厘米的卷畫。另外的一組十二幅作品, 啟發自他在遠足時拾起的一夥桃核。每一幅的境象都是跟據稍微旋動的桃核面的不同角度加上藝術家的奇幻設想描畫而成。 1968年生於中國福建,林穴現於香港居住及工作。他的作品曾於日本東京國際會議中心、香港藝術館、香港藝術中心、美國三藩市亞洲藝術博物館等地展出。 展覽詳情請瀏覽: |