YANG Xinguang: There Are Stones Below 楊心廣 《底下有石頭》
YANG Xinguang
There Are Stones Below 28 May - 2 July 2011 Gallery EXIT is pleased to present There Are Stones Below, a solo exhibition of Yang Xinguang from May 28 to July 2, 2011. Born in 1980 in Hunan, Yang graduated from the sculpture department of Central Academy of Fine Art and currently resides in Beijing. As a well-received emerging artist, his practice focuses on the transformation and reexamination of stone, wood and other such common natural media. This exhibition will include his works from 2009 to 2011, much of which emerges from materials reclaimed by the artist himself, including tree branches, wooden frames, pieces of rock and so on. In Leaf 2, a pierced leaf on a sharpened branch blurs the threshold between deliberate and coincidental. Sheet of Wood is made by meticulous shaving back of a wood board to highlight the knots on its surface. There Are Stones Below, from which this exhibition is named after, is a plane of wire trees balanced on three rocks. Within these works Yang researches the challenging balance between the philosophical forms of the medium and the habituated lifestyles of the modern man; the texture and innate physical properties of these objects make evident the restrained attributes immanent to their existence through a language of form intended to express its own unadorned intensities. |
《底下有石頭》 2011年5月28日至7月2日 Gallery EXIT 安全口畫廊將在5月28日至7月2日期間舉行楊心廣的首個個展《底下有石頭》。生於1980年湖南,楊氏畢業於中央美術學院雕塑系並現居北京。作為現今受最高關注的新晉藝術家之一,楊心廣的創作多著重於改造及重新審視如石頭、木等普通、自然的材質。本次個展包括楊心廣2009-2011年的作品,在此,藝術家運用的媒介包括他拾回的樹枝、木架和小石塊等。 《樹葉·二》是一塊被尖銳樹枝貫穿的樹葉,它模糊了「蓄意」與「巧合」的區別。《木板》是藝術家精細地將木塊的表面削去,只剩下樹結。這次展題的同名作品《底下有石頭》,是一塊附有鐵絲樹的木板平衡於三塊石頭上。藝術家希望在作品中找到此等媒介的哲理性與現代人習慣之間具有挑戰性的平衡,材質物理表徵下蘊藉的內在特性及透過形式語言延展開的樸質內涵。 |