LIN Xue: The Sixth Day 林穴《第六日》
The Sixth Day 18 February - 21 March 2011 Gallery EXIT is pleased to announce The Sixth Day, the second solo exhibition of Lin Xue with the gallery. For this exhibition, Lin will present 4 new sets of drawings and a major landscape rendition which he worked on for 11 months. His studies of plants and organisms will also be exhibited for the first time. The working title pays homage to the utopian state recorded in the biblical creation story prior to the Fall, as seen in the center triptych. It renders an island growing out of the sea towards the sky and life forms emerging from within. His meticulous drawings provide an insight into the mechanics of growth and decay in nature. The exhibition will also include a collaborative project of drawing and Polaroid between Lin Xue and Caroline Chiu made in 2010. Lin Xue currently lives and works in Hong Kong. He is an avid hiker and has a commanding knowledge of the hills in Hong Kong. Lin first exhibited in the Manulife Young Artists Series 1995 and the Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition 1998. He then spent a decade away from the public and studied his surroundings. He recently began work on a panoramic epic. |
《第六日》 2011年2月18日至3月21日 安全口畫廊將舉行林穴的第二次畫廊個展《第六日》。林氏將展出四系列的新作及一幅製作十一個月的自然景觀描繪。林氏亦會首次展示他對植物和微生物多年研究的繪本。展題《第六日》是向聖經創世故事中,人類墮落前的烏托邦世界致敬,如同展覽中的一系列三聯畫,畫中的島嶼由海洋一直伸展至天空,而不同的生命體就孕育其中。林氏細緻的畫作正洞察了大自然當中的盛衰榮枯。 本次展覽還包括由林穴及趙汝賢於去年合作的寶麗來與繪畫計劃。 林穴現工作及居於香港。他是一個熱心的登山者,對香港的山嶺有相當的認識。作品曾於宏利藝術新進作品展 (1995)及香港藝術雙年展 (1998)展出。過去十年,林穴遠離公眾,專心研究他周遭的景物。他正埋首創作史詩式的全景作品。 |