Ivy MA: gazes 馬瓊珠《靜觀》
Ivy MA gazes 8 January – 12 February 2011 Gallery EXIT is pleased to present “gazes”, the first solo exhibition of Ivy Ma with the gallery. The exhibition consists of eight drawings on inkjet prints drawn from Yasujirō Ozu's black and white film Tokyo Story and others. The film stills chosen as diptychs and triptychs are points of returning to the same scene after some time. With delicate and minuscule drawings, those moments in-between which are easily forgotten or ignored are materialized. What happened between then and now is recorded as markings to be read. Ivy Ma received a MA degree in Feminist Theory and Practice from the Visual Art University of Leeds, UK in 2002. She has taken part in the Hong Kong Biennial and her works are collected by the Hong Kong Heritage Museum. She is an Asian Cultural Council grantee. |
《靜觀》 2011年1月8日至2月12日 安全口畫廊將舉行馬瓊珠 的首次畫廊個展—《靜觀》。展覽將展示馬氏八幅繪畫在噴墨列印上的作品,作品取自黑白電影的畫面,當中包括小津安二郎執導的《東京物語》。作品凝結了電影中同一鏡頭的不同時刻,以雙聯畫及三聯畫的方式並列呈現。馬氏輕描而忽微的繪畫,顯現了那些容易被忽視遺忘的瞬間;當中的細節,現在記錄成標記,等待被閱讀。 馬氏於2002年獲取英國利茲大學視覺藝術碩士學位,主修女性主義理論與實踐。她曾參與香港藝術雙年展,作品獲香港文化博物館收藏,她亦獲亞洲文化協會獎學金。 |