a blemish, a beauty《瑕疵、耽美》
a blemish, a beauty
In collaboration with Gallery Kogure (Tokyo), Gallery EXIT is delighted to present the rarely seen works of Takahiro HIRABAYASHI, Kenichiro ISHIGURO and Takato YAMAMOTO in a blemish, a beauty. These Japanese artists are moved by the beauty that aging and decay sometimes bring. They work to convey this fleeting sensation with a shared dedication to refined craftsmanship. Takahiro HIRABAYASHI keeps a distance to observe his models and survey his or her psyche. They are often portrayed as wounded individuals, either physically or psychologically, and inhabit a scenery and elegant attire that is a projection of his reading of who the model is. Trained in Spain, where he honed in on traditional drawing technique, Kenichiro ISHIGURO approaches a painting's surface with great care not to over beautify it. He adheres to the aesthetic idea of mancha (blemishing), where the patina embodies the passage of time and memory. Ishiguro's paintings hold the same expressive power as the object being represented. Takato YAMAMOTO is known in Japan for his highly detailed drawings that feature androgynous men/women/boys/girls with a strongly morbid overtone. This phantasmagoric blend of the macabre and eroticism with Ukiyo-e Pop reveals a preoccupation with occidental myths. His characters are usually staring directly into the viewer's face while engaging in the midst of strange acts. |
安全口畫廊將與東京的Gallery Kogure小暮畫廊合作舉行《瑕疵、耽美》,展出平林貴宏、石黑賢一郎及山本タカト的罕見作品。這些藝術家都被衰老及腐朽所揭示的美所吸引著。他們以精緻的手藝表達這種轉瞬即逝的美感。 平林貴宏與他的模特兒保持距離地去審視他們的靈魂,他的模特兒都被描繪成生理或心理上受了傷的人,處身於藝術家幻想的優美服裝和景緻內。 石黑賢一郎曾於西班牙訓練及琢磨傳統繪畫技巧,他謹慎地處理畫作的膚理同時亦抗拒過分美化的誘惑。他堅持去描繪瑕疵的耽美,因這形態能表現時間和回憶的流逝。石黑賢一郎畫作的表現力能捕捉所畫之物的神緒。 山本タカト的畫作非常精緻,以雌雄同體為題材,擁有病態的寓意,是日本知名的畫家。他的題材是結合了死亡與淫穢、建立在幽靈式的波普浮世繪上,顯示了他對東方神話的眷戀。他畫中的人物正在進行古怪的舉動,並凝視著觀眾。 |