KONG Chun Hei: Gleaning 鄺鎮禧《拾遺》
KONG Chun Hei
Gleaning 9 April – 22 May 2010 Gallery EXIT is pleased to present Gleaning, the first solo exhibition of KONG Chun Hei. The show consists of intricate drawings made with ink on paper of an old suitcase, a few photo album sheets, book covers, a window, an old TV showing static and a box of rubber shavings. These objects escape our daily imagination but are transformed into containers of significance at the moment when we allow them to be what they are. Learning how to see precedes learning how to draw, for seeing, is an act of relaxed concentration. One beholds the object of observation and makes visible marks on a surface in order to record in a particular way what is seen. Attention is given to the unchanging materiality of an object in order to imitate its nature and present it in another way. This is done in the hopes of realizing and grasping that which has been disregarded by habit and remained unnoticed. It also applies to how we sense the substance of a thing and extends throughout the fabric of our daily living. Uncountable things and qualities lie beyond the socially defined boundaries of utility and efficiency. These are the things and qualities that KONG Chun Hei gleans arduously. Weeks and months pass by and a drawing is completed. This mode of drawing is akin to crooning when one studies alone, while paying attention to the minute details and gathering them one after another. As a form of self training, this "enter from hand into heart to establish character" method might not produce the usual socially sanctioned behaviors, but it is indeed able to give one the motivation and grounding to live in reality. KONG Chun Hei (b.1987) graduated top of his class with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2009 by demonstrating through his work, a disciplined concentration. He sees, he sits, he draws. |
《拾遺》 2010年4月9日至5月22日 安全口畫廊將舉行鄺鎮禧首個個展《拾遺》,展出筆鋒細密的墨水紙本作品,題材包括古舊的手提包、數張相簿的內頁紙、書籍封面、窗戶,也會展出舊電視播放中的雪花畫面和一盒橡皮擦的碎屑。這些物件都是日常生活中被遺忘了,現在卻被轉化成裝載著意義的物品。 在學習繪畫之前必須學會去觀察事物,而觀看是需要放鬆地集中精神。觀察物件、用有形的記號畫在紙上、用特有的方法來記錄被觀察的物件。虔敬地模仿及再呈現事物,是希望透過觀察無法改變的物質實體,從而理解那些被慣性忽略以至無法輕易察覺的東西,亦就是那些被社會需求及功能效益的局限性遺漏於邊緣以外的事物。換言之,由觀察物件的質感推展至感受生活的質感。這些被忽略的東西就是鄺鎮禧執拾遺漏的對象。 緩慢及長時間的描繪就如喃喃自語的溫習,體會那些微不足道的細節,執拾遺漏,巨細無遺,實踐「入手於心,成就於身」的過程。雖然未必是眾人理解的所謂有意義的社會行為,對藝術家自身而言却是一種真實確切的生活動力。 鄺鎮禧,生於1987年,以他有紀律地專心創作的作品,於2009年以全班最高成績畢業於香港中文大學,獲藝術文學士。他仔細地觀察,坐著,繪畫。 |