when i draw, i think of... 繪畫時,我想起了…
when i draw, i think of...
10 July – 22 August 2009 Gallery EXIT is delighted to present our first summer group show, "when i draw, i think of...", featuring works on paper by dedicated Hong Kong artists born in the 1980s: Furze Chan, Casper Chan, Chunhei Kong, Sarah Lai, Pongyu Wai and Cam Wong. These 6 Hong Kong artists of the young generation counter the fast pacing world with their deliberate and contemplating works. They share a common dedication to the act of drawing. In their private hours, they chose to sit and remain, to slow down and contemplate in order to discover what they are searching for. Drawing is often a spontaneous activity, but it could also be a slow and pain staking process. Glowing up in the age of information overflow, in which fast and effective communication is the front burner, these artists present their time-consuming and laborious works that demonstrate the values of practice and hard work, the virtues of patience and perseverance. When a focused image begins to form under the hands, it is a great joy, born and bred in solitude, to be shared with someone. It is in this solitude, that we begin to understand each other’s existential loneliness and isolation from the society. |
2009年7月10日至8月22日 安全口畫廊將於2009年7月10日舉行首個夏季群展 《繪畫時,我想起了...》,展出六位80年代出生的香港藝術家的紙本作品,包括陳嘉儀、陳曉筠、鄺鎮禧、黎卓華、韋邦雨及黃麗茵。 六位年青藝術家以沉慮及深邃的作品來面對急促發展的現世界。他們對繪畫同樣地耐心專注;在獨處的時間裡,他們都選擇坐下來深思熟慮,追求自身理想的創作空間。雖然在紙本上繪畫是屬於很自然任意的手法,但同時亦是一項仔細刻苦的工序。在這個資訊氾濫的年代,人際間的溝通經常要快捷達意,但六位藝術家卻願意用需時費力和曠日持久的創作手段來展現忍耐不屈和堅持不懈的情操。當作品雛形逐漸湧現眼前時,創作人往往希望能夠跟別人分享這份從寂寞中孕育出來的喜悅。同樣地就是從這種孤獨感,我們開始明白到那種被社會排擠孤立出來,存在著相互之間的抽離感覺。 |