Chris HUEN Sin Kan: Tall Trees - and the things I might have forgotten
禤善勤: 《高樹,和那些被我遺忘的事物》
Tall Trees - And The Things I Might Have Forgotten 29 March – 4 May 2019 HUEN continues to annotate incessant and mindful quotidian in his new paintings. With a horizontal view of field, HUEN observes those banalities through his vision and presents everyday altitude on canvas. In his new works, the towering greeneries are painted in oil on canvas alongside with water-colour drawings of daily memorial fragments, both convey HUEN’s mindful and sluggish way of seeing. He is going to keep exploring the quotidian with the persistent conscientiousness. HUEN sees the engrossing deterrent of our horizontal view of field. Apart from the shrubs in the city, he also put those ambivalent reminiscences of daily life – the clock, baby Joel’s toy car, large door frame, dazzling sunrays – onto his canvas. With no spatial relevance, both tall trees and the things he might have forgotten are juxtaposed within his finite horizontal perspective on canvas. Shrubs are always planted along roadsides of Hong Kong. HUEN would observe the viability of these city’s trees. Like someone standing in the middle of a highway, the lofty shrubs along the city’s roadsides are uncanny. They – originate from nature, yet part of the city - behold the adversary reciprocity of humankind and natural world. From the daily horizontal perspective, one cannot discern the profound of the tall shrubs, only with a view from far and a random passerby as scale, the towering greenery will then be revealed. Last year, typhoon Mangkhut blasted Hong Kong; the brushes along the path in front of HUEN’s home in Yuen Long were crumbled. The fragmented brushes tell the savage of Mangkhut. In the immediate aftermath, the HUEN’s family had to get through the path that enclosed by the shattered foliage. The finite vision of mankind cannot capture an entire tall tree; when the tree collapses, however, the level altitude will embrace us. The transfiguration intrigued him. Related Articles: |