Taipei Dangdai 台北當代 2019: Chihoi : A Very Long Walk 智海 《散很遠的步》
Taipei Dangdai 2019
Chihoi A Very Long Walk 17 January - 20 January 2019 Booth A13 Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center Last year, Uranus entered my zodiac Taurus, says the astrologists. The somewhat radical planet pushes things forward, but the nostalgic cow stays rooted, munching grass, and impedes moving. The astral forces bring about the exigency of soul, prompting fundamental changes. But in Taurus’s absence of action, the tension turns within. One side is me, the other side is also me, like looking back at yourself from the other side of the mirror. The intrinsic self becomes cryptic, enduring such turbulence within. In an unnamable angst I started smoking, at the age of 41. It is never too late to take such ventilation. And I started to pray to the Moon. I need a very, very long walk. I dedicate this exhibition to my friends of 1977, and Taurus’s guardian planet Venus. |
台北當代 2019
智海 《散很遠的步》 2019年1月17日至1月20日 展位A13 台北南港展覽館 智海 散很遠的步 舊年,天王星步入我所屬的金牛座,星相學家如是說。這性格反叛的星球,激發世界的創造與更新,惟獨那依賴經驗主義,在旁吃草的一頭牛,對未知世界卻步躊躇。 行星的力量帶給靈魂各種各樣的逼切感,必須作出根本的改變以回應。但金牛之無所行動,造成內在張力,不斷拉扯,一邊是我,另一邊也是我,好像站在鏡子的裡面回望自己,而內向的自我更形隱晦。無以言說的焦慮,年屆四十一的我開始吸菸。但如此打開一道可以透透氣的缺口,尚覺為時未晚。我轉向窗外的半月,向那或冷或暖的光暉禱告,我需要散很遠的步。 謹此把展覽獻給我1977同齡的朋友,以及金牛的守護金星。 |