KONG Chun Hei: Running around the Roundabout 鄺鎮禧《環繞迴旋》
KONG Chun Hei
Running around the Roundabout 10 February – 6 March 2012 Gallery EXIT is pleased to present "Running around the Roundabout", the second solo exhibition of Kong Chun Hei featuring his latest series of drawings, video and sound installation. "Running around the Roundabout" declares a rejection of the conventional perspectives of reality. It implies that there is only here and now, and that everything else is a manifestation of human subliminal imagination. While maintaining an accurate perception, Kong’s drawings highlight the passage of time and change. The masses of delicate ink marks describe a world ruled by leveled impulses and sameness. Depicting a state of mind rather than an external reality, multiple concatenation of lines continuously overlap and are redrawn to record endless cycles of synchronicities, connections and coincidences. This exhibition invites the viewer to ponder at a man’s perennial search for freedom and exaltation. Door, with its axiomatic title, is a life-size five-sided ink drawing of the found object. Playing on the consciousness that meanders between representation and lucidity, Kong uses mesmerizingly repetitive lines to emphasize this dubious relationship and explores the possibilities of human response in the imaginative realm. By connecting dissimilar things as a reflection on temporality and its registration as physical objects, Needle Sound set forth an ink drawing of a vinyl on a sleeve in which contains the complete sound recordings of the mark-making process. Every time the acetate duplate is ‘read’ by a player, friction from the needle erodes the grooves and eventually ‘cracklings’ come through. As the two sounds are played at the same time, the work exposes both a description of the disc (the sound of drawing) and the object itself. In consort with the video work 06080416, where Kong traced out a circle according to his memory of the duration of an hour, the gallery exhibition hours will be changed to 12:00 pm - 18:08 pm. Kong Chun Hei graduated from the Fine Arts Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2009. In the same year, he received the Gaylord Chan Painting Award, Cheung's Fine Arts Award, Y. S. Hui Fine Arts Award and Grotto Fine Art Ltd.'s Creative Award. |