Yuichi HIGASHIONNA 東恩納裕一: New Works
New Works 5 November – 11 December 2010 Gallery EXIT is pleased to present the first solo exhibition of Yuichi Higashionna in Hong Kong. Higashionna lives and works in Tokyo, Japan. He noticed the fact that the fluorescent lamp in the circular-bulb style has independently spread in its use at Japanese home in general. His works are both homage and a satire, to the Japanese "fluorescent culture" that fascinates him and at the same time makes him uncomfortable. In his own words, his ultimate aim was "to create a fluorescent-lamp monster!" The dangling light sculptures appear at once grand and beautiful, kitschy and cheap, and are inspired by fanshii (a term derived from the English word 'fancy'), which is reflected in the Japanese compulsive admiration with Western culture during a period of economic prosperity in the 1970s. Fanshii things are said to be odd (in that they are neither Western nor Japanese), kitsch, girlish and tacky. The sculptures serve as chandeliers inspired by interior decorating of Japanese homes of that era, accented with stenciled paintings of flowers and ribbons, nodding to the fluorescent, tacky aesthetic of the time. The artist explains, "My work frequently incorporates common, everyday things. Living in Japan, I am very familiar with such fanshii things, but I have never liked them. In my opinion there is even something 'uncanny' about them, in a Freudian sense. What interests me now is to bring this 'uncanniness' into my work in a more positive way, incorporating it in the context of humor or eroticism, rather than representing it straightforwardly." |
New Works 2010年11月5日至12月11日 安全口畫廊將舉行東恩納裕一於香港的首次個展。 東恩納裕一生活於日本東京。他注意到環形螢光燈在日本家庭裡的廣泛使用,因而深深被這種"螢光燈文化" 所吸引。他的作品既是向日本 "螢光燈文化" 作出的一種致敬同時也是諷刺,他一邊為此現象感到著迷卻又同時令他感到不安,而然他的最終目的就是要 "創造一頭熒光燈的怪物!" 看着懸掛的螢光燈雕塑,同時地讓人感受到它的華偉與美麗、庸俗與價廉,這一切都源由自 'fanshii' 這項獨有的日本概念。'fanshii' 反映了日本人在繁荣昌盛的七十年代時,對西方文化的一份獨特的豔羨和讚美。那些擁有 'fanshii' 特質的東西可說是媚俗,嬌情和古怪的(因為它們既非西方,也非日本的)。東恩納裕一以日本家庭常用的典型室內裝飾作為藍本的螢光燈雕塑,連同他一系列以人造塑膠花及彩帶為靈感的畫作,正好反映了那個年代獨有的媚俗美學。 "我的作品往往由日常生活常見的物件組合而成。生活在日本,我非常熟悉這些 'fanshii' 的物件,但我從不喜歡它們。在我看來,這些'fanshii'的物件甚至俱備弗洛伊德式的怪異感(uncanny)。現在我把這種怪異感覺,積極地帶到我的作品裡,並將幽默或色情的手法納入其中,而不是直截了當的呈現它。" |