Hyon Gyon: IYOIYO
Hyon Gyon
IYOIYO 15 May – 27 June 2009 Gallery EXIT is pleased to present the opening on May 15, 2009 of IYOIYO (Japanese word meaning “at last” in English), the first solo exhibition of Kyoto-based Korean artist Hyon Gyon in Hong Kong. Entangled hair, hair pins or swords pressing hair, and chima jeogori (Korean traditional outfit) that covers skin; these elements seem to evoke the issues of feminism and identity. Indeed, Hyon Gyon was born as a Korean woman, and now lives in a town in a foreign country, Kyoto. However, you should not be misled by these elements, because her works contain ugly images at first sight. What you receive from her works are, actually, full of colors, light and energy of life. She interprets “han”, a word in Korean, in her works. “Han” means grudge, and it holds more meanings then the word itself. Pointing out its oppositive character, she says the word lump the oppositive things together; like inwards digestion and outward emission, desire, impulse to destroy, hatred and love, patience and being despair, and mercy and cruelty. She converts pain into humor. Being aware of her own identity, she knows the way to overcome it. That’s why she, as a third person, uses hair pins, hair, spirituality and dramatics of ceremony as signals, sublimating them into outward energy. The new works of this exhibition contains multicultural motifs, which make the works more colorful. You could observe her determination and ongoing power in the works. “IYOIYO”, the time has come! |
Hyon Gyon
《IYOIYO》 2009年5月15日至6月27日 安全口畫廊將於2009年5月15日舉行Hyon Gyon首個香港個展《IYOIYO》(中文:最後)。 糾纏不清的頭髮、用來束紮糾結一團亂髮的頭簪刀,與及用作遮掩身體的韓國傳統服飾chima jeogori 等等;表面上看似是喚起女性主義、身分認同等課題的符號象徵。確實、Hyon Gyon是韓裔人,是一名現居於異國日本京都市的韓國女性,但不要被這些原素有所誤導;儘管畫中看來似是陰沈負面的圖像,細看之下却又不難被內裡釋放出來充滿生命力的色彩、光芒和能量所感染。 她訴說的一切可以用韓語中的“han”來涵括,中文漢字寫作「恨」,但她所指的並非單純是字面上的意義,而是字裡包含著的相對性 — 內部的消化、理解對比著向外面的排放、慾求和一股毀滅性的衝動;又或是從怨恨和愛情,忍耐和自棄,憐惜與殘忍等等對立原素所建構成的單一力量。 把傷痛化為幽默戲謔,並且帶着自身生處韓裔血統的認知,她找到了一個獨特的方法來作出對衡;她以第三者的身分,捕捉了髮簪、亂髮和祭儀中的神祕感和戲劇性,再演化成各種符徵,然後將之昇華為一種向外放射的能量。 這次展覧裡的新作品比舊作擺放了更多多元文化影響下的原素,令色彩層次更感豐富。請細味領略她畫中那份義無反顧、勇往直前的澎湃力量。 いよいよ新時代已經來臨! |