Aya SHINDO x Harry C: Red Shoes – Dark Beauty 真道彩 x Harry C: 紅鞋 – 黑色魅豔
Aya SHINDO x Harry C
Red Shoes – Dark Beauty 24 April – 9 May 2009 Gallery EXIT is pleased to present "Dark Shoes – Dark Beauty", a collage collaboration between Tokyo-based artist Aya Shindo and Hong Kong-based photographer, Harry C. Shindo's work has previously revolved around the theme of Japanese rope bondage and fetish fashion. In her work, the imagery of bondage, of tying-up resonates with the idea of love, which is always a desire for liberation and happiness. This collaboration is a continuation of such ideas. Taking as their departure point, the fetishistic object of a pair of ballet slippers and the feet of a young lady, Aya Shindo and Harry C set out to capture a fragile beauty that prompts dreaming. It is a contemporary remaking of the Red Shoes from the mid-19th century Andersen Fairy Tales. (http://www.bartleby.com/17/3/14.html) The little girl that is obsessed with the red shoes is now a pole dancer. She is obliged to unceasingly dance through the dark night until her feet is cut off. Her desire to possess the beauty of those red shoes, in return, takes control of her. The fetishistic is magical, and beauty that possess is dark. Shindo and Harry C chose to be guided by their hands: to cut, slice and burn handmade photographs; to draw, paint and combine them onto paper. Their hands are attracted to speak a beauty that will lead them on through the dark. Aya Shindo is an artist drawing unique worlds with a distinctive use of color. Shindo spent her childhood in the suburbia of Vienna, Austria. While growing up, she was taught how to paint by her father, who is also an artist. In addition to traditional media, she further expanded her creative involvement within magazines, CD covers and textile. Harry C is a highly regarded contemporary photographer who has been working for more than 10 years exploring the boundaries of fashion photography. He opened his first studio in Hong Kong in 1998 and in 2000 joined one of the leading agencies – Cube Management Office, Japan. |
真道彩 x Harry C
《紅鞋 – 黑色魅豔》 2009年4月24日至5月9日 安全口畫廊將舉行《紅鞋 – 黑色魅豔》的展覽,展出來自東京的日本藝術家真道彩及香港攝影師Harry C合作的拼貼系列(collage)。 真道彩的創作主旨圍繞著日本式束縛情色文化及戀物癖,畫中繫縛的意念在與現世界的愛情觀呼應糾纏下,展示出一種對自由和快樂的解放渴求。這次兩人合作的拼貼系列也是這種概念意境的延續。以一雙芭蕾舞鞋和少女的腿為戀物符徵的源點,真道彩及Harry C捕捉了脆弱美態底裡存在的夢想與響往。這便安徒生童話《紅鞋兒》的現代再生版本。(http://www.bartleby.com/17/3/14.html) 如今,為紅鞋兒著迷的小女孩搖身蛻變成為鋼管舞孃,她著魔地跳舞直到她雙腿被割下來;佔有一雙紅鞋的慾念反過來控制了她。戀物的本質既神秘又迷人,但隱藏內裡的魅豔卻是陰鬱而黑暗。真道彩及Harry C選擇以雙手剪裁、切割、燒灼照片;並繪畫、塗色、拼合在紙上。他們在黑暗中訴說著動人心悸的魅豔故事。 真道彩以獨特的色彩繪畫創作。童年的真道彩居住在奧地利維也納的郊區,她的父親也是一名藝術家,從小培育她參與藝術創作。除了傳統的媒體外,真道彩也有參與雜誌、唱片封套及時裝的工作。 Harry C是香港著名的攝影師,在時裝攝影領域工作超逾十年。他於1998年在香港開辦攝影工作室,2000年加入日本著名的經理人公司 ─ Cube Management Office。 |