Bloom in Gloom
Bloom in Gloom 16 January – 21 February 2009 Gallery EXIT is pleased to present "Bloom in Gloom", an exhibition of paintings by six emerging talents from China: HUANG Zheng, DENG Yu, DENG Bin, LU Pei, MEI Zijia and MO Di. These six artists, born in the 1980s, originate from South China and currently work between Beijing and Guangzhou. Their fresh and emotive worldview gives shape to an artistic language typical of their youthfulness: hints of the rebellious, miserable, pathetic, melancholic, fashionable, comical, disoriented, aspiring and curious are often detected in their work. All these traits open a window into how this generation experiences the world. With intimate language, HUANG Zheng captures the ambiguous identity of the female subject by observing, voyeuring, analyzing and translating what he sees in order to question the social construct of a woman. Such fixation is carried out by painting detailed close-ups of a woman whose body and mind are in bondage. The paintings of DENG Yu are filled with fashionable fantasy and manga-ish sensibility. Her fluid yet precise compositions make free use of pop icons and symbols to achieve a subtle and virtual world of endearing colors. With melancholic tone and impressionistic color palate, DENG Bin reveals the solitary and petty side of being human. His works evoke an uncertain undercurrent of fear and anxiety. LU Pei employs the language of abject realism. By depicting the accumulation of discarded cigarette butts in a burnt plastic bottle, he humbly observes and draws with care that which is not loved. It arouses in us a disquieting feeling of helplessness in the face of the abandoned. There are hints and early signs of a Chinese Gothic style emerging in MEI Zijia’s violent and enigmatic paintings. The overlapping layers of black and white photo imagery are brought into sharp contrast with the colorful, eye-dizzying conglomeration of fragmented anatomic figures, flowers, butterflies, newspaper clippings, and cartoon icons. MO Dicolorfully portrays the hesitancy of a teenager in search of self identity. The possibility of youthfulness – be it introverted, self-doubting, confident or even narcissistic – is brought into play. These six artists came of age during China’s reform and opening up. Their joys and sorrows in the journey towards self-liberation will be witnessed in the bustling city of Hong Kong. |
2009年1月16日至2月21日 安全口畫廊將舉行名為 《傷花怒放》 的中國年輕藝術家群展,展出六位出生於八十年代的藝術家的作品 ──黃箏、鄧瑜、鄧彬、陸佩、梅子嘉和莫頔。 六位新秀藝術家來自中國南方,分別駐守北京和廣州,以創新獨到的感性及世界觀建構出只屬於他們一代的藝術空間。他們的畫卷流露出各種特殊的青春氣質 ── 叛逆的、頹廢的、沉溺的、傷感的、時尚的、漫畫的、茫然的、憧憬的、好奇的、一切一切都讓觀衆體驗著這一代人的精神面貌。 黃箏以一種自我私語化的形式,窺看、凝視、詮釋名為「女性」的意識形態;並大膽地用細小畫面近距離勾畫出肉體及精神同時被受控制、虐待的女性。 鄧瑜的畫作充滿時尚、夢幻和動漫式的抒情氣質,其富創意的構圖和精準的流行符號挪用,在綺麗、光亮的色調下隱約流露戀情式的虛擬世界。 鄧彬以憂鬱的情感作為主體基調、輔以矇矓飄忽的色彩調子,顯現出人類的渺小和孤獨感,深處更流露出充滿暗湧的悵惘感覺。 陸佩以嶄新的頹廢寫實主義,透過一支接一支的煙蒂殘卷和破爛膠樽,對世間所謂卑微的東西作出入微的觀察和細膩的繪畫,看後令人內心感到無奈及焦躁不安。 梅子嘉企圖建立一種中國式的歌德風格,黑暗的基調對比著華麗奪目的色彩,瀰漫著一片詭異的張力;支離破碎的人體解剖圖、花朵、蝴蝶、剪報、卡通符號表徵拼貼出一個夢幻眩目的感官世界。 莫頔選擇以豐富的色彩和少女曖昧的神態表情,隱喻著內向的、自我的、甚至是迷戀的青春感性。 出生於、成長在中國的開放年代,這六位當代藝術新秀,將於香港最為繁華的地段,自我解放,演繹一場悲喜交雜的藝術秀。 |